LB Obs 2015 Jan 01

From: Leo Barhorst via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 11:13:49 +0100
Just a few hours sleep after New Year. I had set the alarm at 03 UT.
It was still clear with now and then some thin clouds.
Temperature around zero C.
Set up the camera and selected the satellites to image.
Then let the computer do the work and I went back to bed.

An UNID was imaged. It was IDed as 23605 Helios 1A, see below.
26907 had high time residuals.

28538 05 004B   4172 G 20150101034106806 17 25 1547584+381139 37 F
28538 05 004B   4172 G 20150101034116802 17 25 1546793+361136 37 F
28538 05 004B   4172 G 20150101034126809 17 25 1546207+341491 37 S
28538 05 004B   4172 G 20150101034136806 17 25 1545640+322227 37 F
28095 03 054A   4172 G 20150101035846788 17 25 1921794+551404 37 S
28095 03 054A   4172 G 20150101035851805 17 25 1918998+542969 37 S
26906 01 040B   4172 G 20150101041056791 17 25 1910090+552141 37 S
26906 01 040B   4172 G 20150101041106792 17 25 1910723+535375 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101042206803 17 25 1906038+622878 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101042216805 17 25 1855065+603193 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150101042226808 17 25 1852080+594354 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101042226808 17 25 1845742+583493 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101042231824 17 25 1841517+573464 37 S
40061 14 036A   4172 G 20150101043136816 17 25 1922468+590862 37 S
40061 14 036A   4172 G 20150101043146812 17 25 1910865+583359 37 S
40061 14 036A   4172 G 20150101043156820 17 25 1859436+575306 37 S
40061 14 036A   4172 G 20150101043206817 17 25 1848504+570852 37 S
22784 93 055C   4172 G 20150101043156820 17 25 1909482+580947 37 S
22784 93 055C   4172 G 20150101043206817 17 25 1851633+571463 37 S
37386 11 014A   4172 G 20150101044411774 17 25 1726174+514180 37 S
37391 11 014B   4172 G 20150101044406794 17 25 1728385+515194 37 S
37386 11 014A   4172 G 20150101044416800 17 25 1732234+512112 37 S
37391 11 014B   4172 G 20150101044416800 17 25 1740227+510775 37 S
37386 11 014A   4172 G 20150101044426799 17 25 1743769+503701 37 S
37391 11 014B   4172 G 20150101044426799 17 25 1751085+502123 37 S
21798 91 082A   4172 G 20150101045046811 17 25 2038557+574867 37 S
21798 91 082A   4172 G 20150101045056808 17 25 2027175+585141 37 S
05679 71 110B   4172 G 20150101045331789 17 25 1958742+594160 37 S
28097 03 054C   4172 G 20150101045326809 17 25 2021545+614410 37 S
05679 71 110B   4172 G 20150101045336805 17 25 2002580+585855 37 S
05679 71 110B   4172 G 20150101045346811 17 25 2009525+573284 37 S
05679 71 110B   4172 G 20150101045351829 17 25 2012732+565091 37 S
28097 03 054C   4172 G 20150101045356809 17 25 1953736+565015 37 S
23605 95 033A   4172 G 20150101050020677 17 25 2036932+600092 37 S
23605 95 033A   4172 G 20150101050025223 17 25 2029252+603857 37 S
23605 95 033A   4172 G 20150101050028422 17 25 2022800+610746 37 S
22639 93 026B   4172 G 20150101050411808 17 25 2006002+585552 37 S
19460 88 078A   4172 G 20150101052406817 17 25 2041462+625260 37 S
19460 88 078A   4172 G 20150101052416815 17 25 2016860+624254 37 S
19460 88 078A   4172 G 20150101052426810 17 25 1951386+621380 37 S
25078 97 077B   4172 G 20150101053456832 17 25 1816716+373741 37 S
25078 97 077B   4172 G 20150101053506828 17 25 1804881+352458 37 F
25078 97 077B   4172 G 20150101053511845 17 25 1759314+341557 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20150101053611810 17 25 1758213+341677 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20150101053616827 17 25 1803080+342472 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20150101053626832 17 25 1812627+343769 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20150101053636829 17 25 1821813+344705 37 S
26905 01 040A   4172 G 20150101053641845 17 25 1826427+345017 37 S
26907 01 040C   4172 G 20150101060037275 17 25 1834380+480662 37 S
26907 01 040C   4172 G 20150101060046822 17 25 1846010+473799 37 S
26907 01 040C   4172 G 20150101060051840 17 25 1851630+472180 37 S
25746 99 028C   4172 G 20150101060346825 17 25 1911061+491795 37 S
29253 06 029B   4172 G 20150101060441809 17 25 1843680+493963 37 S
29253 06 029B   4172 G 20150101060446830 17 25 1858689+485523 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101061551781 17 25 1628555+191652 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150101061556808 17 25 1630014+194069 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101061556808 17 25 1629785+181720 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150101061606804 17 25 1632273+174192 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150101061606804 17 25 1631927+162123 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150101061616801 17 25 1634407+154841 37 S
19119 88 039A   4172 G 20150101061711784 17 25 1623183+174511 37 S
19119 88 039A   4172 G 20150101061716801 17 25 1628880+185110 37 S
19119 88 039A   4172 G 20150101061726808 17 25 1640323+210011 37 S
25043 97 069E   4172 G 20150101062306805 17 25 1637991+194245 37 F
25043 97 069E   4172 G 20150101062316812 17 25 1631530+163784 37 S
32053 07 038B   4172 G 20150101063706829 17 25 1646407+184318 37 F
32053 07 038B   4172 G 20150101063716835 17 25 1642725+161503 37 S
37162 10 046A   4172 G 20150101064626807 17 25 1725656+191962 37 S
37162 10 046A   4172 G 20150101064636806 17 25 1721411+210243 37 S
37162 10 046A   4172 G 20150101064646802 17 25 1716812+224949 37 S

26907 01 040C   |  0.01413 deg   15.402 sec   8.6 day, 1395.6 km
26907 01 040C   |  0.00737 deg   15.426 sec   8.6 day, 1437.8 km
26907 01 040C   |  0.00314 deg   15.318 sec   8.6 day, 1460.6 km

Unid imaged:
TLE from Satfit
1 99999U 15501A   15001.20861747  .00000000  00000-0  50000-4 0    01
2 99999  98.2807 353.6588 0000000   0.0000 120.1869 14.91320016    03
# 20150101.21-20150101.21, 3 measurements, 0.024 deg rms

Best candidate from classfd.tle
23605  193.881    0.008    0.024 obs1.txt   46.797

23605 95 033A   | 77.00750 deg 1276.869 sec  46.8 day, 13121.3 km
23605 95 033A   | 81.11397 deg 1255.395 sec  46.8 day, 13127.4 km
23605 95 033A   | 84.66746 deg 1237.421 sec  46.8 day, 13131.6 km

TLE from classfd.tle
Helios 1A
1 23605U 95033A   14319.41181976 0.00003000  00000-0  31324-3 0    03
2 23605  98.2788 304.6622 0010000 290.4432  69.5567 14.89746160    02

Setup: WATEC 120N, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar
Observations made and reduced with Sattools
Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL
Best regards     Leo Barhorst

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Received on Thu Jan 01 2015 - 04:14:25 UTC

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