While scanning the sky, I came across a unid sat. Making some obs, and computing a orbit, and then comparimg it's orbital plane to other sat's, showed it to be Helios 1A. So they had changed it's orbit, to cause it to be late, and off track. 23605 95 033A 1775 G 20150110100131072 15 25 1510027+121438 37 S 23605 95 033A 1775 G 20150110100146454 15 25 1452858+061619 37 S 23605 95 033A 1775 G 20150110100235169 15 25 1409956-094300 37 S Kevin _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Sat Jan 10 2015 - 06:55:05 UTC
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