Hi I remeasured three times and get the same times and positions - I cannot spot any error, apart from the difficulty of determining the exact start and end of a variable trail but the variation there is small ( less than one minute of arc). The time is read from GPS and written in the fits header so done by the pc so unless the GPS faulty etc there is no error in time - the imaging program rejects the time if the timing error is greater than 50 ms. So I am at a loss. I can send you the two fits images if you wish. Only about a megabyte each. ( same setup as the last fits images I sent you) frame 37229-47.fit: Exposure start 20h17m36.891 sec UT Exposure duration 4.00 seconds Timing precision 0.0005098 sec (above from fits header) satellite moving left to right frame 37229-48.fit: Exposure start 20h17m42.022 sec UT Exposure duration 4.00 sec Timing precision 0.0005708 sec (above from fits header) satellite moving left to right - start of trail little ill-defined. Cheers Greg _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Sun Jan 18 2015 - 08:54:21 UTC
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