Very clear, and Moonlight didn't interfere too much. I missed 06-60A (SAR Lupe 1) on its first transit as it was late (had been refired). I missed 77-112A (NOSS 2) on its first transit because I was looking for it at RA 17h41 instead of 18h41. 2010101267522071221400698 010 22140150 +08599 30 5 2010101267522071221403758 010 22145939 +04341 10 5 2010101267522071221405587 010 22153481 +01294 40 5 2010102267522071221430255 010 22151951 +01556 40 5 2010102267522071221435683 010 22165445 -07049 60 5 8204103267522071221475036 010 22172888 +10327 20 5 8204103267522071221480282 010 22172539 +16218 20 5 8204103267522071221484286 010 22170689 +40231 40 5 8204103267522071221485661 010 22165550 +50012 30 5 1500401267522071221510032 010 22171400 +10393 60 5 1500401267522071221511569 010 22170388 +19414 30 5 1500401267522071221520115 010 22155860 +54485 40 5 0702702267522071221560490 010 22142056 +26053 40 5 0702702267522071221570379 010 22154576 +62397 30 5 8704301267522071222070882 010 22194085 -07334 20 5 8704301267522071222072822 010 22201279 -02598 20 5 8704301267522071222081090 020 22212701 +06596 20 5 7603801267522071222190644 010 22183372 +30323 20 5 7603801267522071222192351 010 22185661 +22458 20 5 7603801267522071222193169 010 22190534 +19196 10 5 7603801267522071222195326 010 22192436 +11289 20 5 1802102267522071222364603 010 22220468 +10135 15 5 1802102267522071222372643 010 22224460 +24251 20 5 1802102267522071222374264 010 22230676 +30350 15 5 2200901267522071222395843 010 22222733 +04456 30 5 2200901267522071222405053 010 22230734 +18256 40 5 2200901267522071222410768 010 22232510 +23276 20 5 9902301267522071223002346 010 22191011 -09117 10 5 1900401267522071223151452 010 22085070 +70184 30 5 1900401267522071223153324 010 22091017 +79194 40 5 1900401267522071223161034 010 22201080 +72519 40 5 1900401267522071223172367 010 22203529 +11202 60 5 0801401267522071223262930 010 22132497 +40264 30 5 0801401267522071223264613 010 22135409 +32496 10 5 0801401267522071223271752 010 22143264 +18543 30 5 0606001267522071223444448 010 22130696 +27308 20 5 0606001267522071223445044 010 22131423 +25462 30 5 8704301267522071223560279 010 22131514 +35267 10 5 8704301267522071223562304 010 22124481 +45242 20 5 8704301267522071223564854 010 22113506 +58076 30 5 0305403267522071223594882 010 22212229 +04279 10 5 0305403267522071300003215 010 22220634 +12287 15 5 0305403267522071300004868 010 22222397 +15177 10 5 2204001267522071300031178 010 22212222 +19457 15 5 1201401267522071300060275 010 22202491 +32259 15 5 1805201267522071300173425 010 22223973 +04333 30 5 1805201267522071300175082 010 22224960 +10284 10 5 1805201267522071300182100 010 22231513 +23563 20 5 1802101267522071300205622 010 22232277 +02505 15 5 1802101267522071300211093 010 22233209 +07060 10 5 1802101267522071300220853 010 22002812 +28059 10 5 7711201267522071300405797 010 22142843 +37344 20 5 7711201267522071300412425 010 22141466 +45283 20 5 7711201267522071300415975 010 22134099 +57153 30 5 999 1105001267522071101152915 010 22215870 -04224 15 5 1105001267522071101170677 010 22220775 +39206 10 5 999 David M Brierley Malvern, WR14 1LQ, UK Station 2675 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list on Wed Jul 13 2022 - 11:27:24 UTC
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