FW: RE: Hi Jeff - Starter.

Mon, 1 Jun 98 13:05:50

I recently received a request for resources needed for 
tracking Iridium satellites using FTP resources only (I believe).

If anyone knows of additional Iridium FTP resources out there (or e-mail 
resources), please let us know.



--- On Mon, 1 Jun 98 11:45:40  jeff@satellite.eu.org wrote:

>--- On Mon, 01 Jun 1998 11:58:08 +0530  dhananjaya 
><ldhanan@asia.csg.mot.com> wrote:
>>Hi Jeff,
>> I am Dj working for Motorola in Bangalore - India. I am just read ROAM
>>and info on sighting was given.
>>I am just interested and have nothing else. Can you brief what info I
>>need before I start to observe satellites and Can I see them from
>>Bangalore - India.
>ROAM had a section titled "Net-Based Tracking Tools" on page 20 so I 
>would have to assume you do NOT have web access. If you do not have
>FTP access then I believe you do not have sufficient resources available 
>via just e-mail.
>Yes, you can observe Iridiums from your location as they are in a near 
>polar orbit. You will have to know your geographic coordinates as 
>accurately as possible to enjoy accurate predictions of Irdium flares. 
>Your general coordinates for Bangalore, India would be 12.97 deg North 
>latitude; 77.57 deg East longitude. 
>It would be entered in the iridflar the program as: 
>            F2(location) /F3 (latitude)  =  12.97   ; 
>            F2(location) /F3 (longitude) = +77.57 
>Some FTP resources for Iridium satellite tracking program:
>Rob Matson's Iridflar prediction program for ibm compatible PC:
>(note: this US ftp server limited to 50 anonymous logins at a time)
>(previous version of Iridflar program on UK ftp server)
>FTP resource (US) for Iridium satellite elsets which are needed 
>to run the prediction program.
>These Iridium elsets have to be installed in the same directory as
>the Iridflar program.
>If you are interested in tracking other types of satellites on your 
>computer, you will have to let me know what platform you will use; ie., 
>DOS/Windows/Unix/etc., so as to limit the possible listings of programs.
>Let me know if you need more information.
>Jeff Hunt
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