Re: Decay watch: Iridium 69 rocket

Alan Pickup (
Sun, 7 Jun 1998 07:42:28 +0100

The latest official word on this ...
Iridm 69 CZ r   10.0  3.0  0.0  4.5 d            207 x 140 km
1 25321U 98026C   98157.96178613  .06946746 -12400-5  22883-3 0  1318
2 25321  86.3124 275.8968 0051469  26.9038 333.5441 16.37222563  5619
... shows it 5.3 sec early on the "9129" evolution in my previous
posting. The implication is that decay might occur one orbit earlier
than I said then, in other words at about 12:20 UTC (+-2.5h).

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR site 2707:   55d53m48.7s N   3d11m51.2s W    156m asl
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