At 15:42 13/06/98 -0500, Sue J. Worden wrote: >> unzip >Archive: > inflating: CUTDUPES.FOR > inflating: ADDNAME.FOR > inflating: CUTDUPES.EXE > inflating: ADDNAME.EXE > inflating: SATNAMES.DAT >============================================================================== >> mv ADDNAME.FOR addname.for >============================================================================== >> f77 addname.for >fort: Error: addname.for, line 66: Untyped name, must be explicitly typed > Write (3,20) CHARNB(SatNameLine(11:)) >-----------------------^ >============================================================================== >> cat addname.for | grep CHARNB > Write (3,20) CHARNB(SatNameLine(11:)) > Write (3,20) CHARNB(String) > Write (3,20) CHARNB(SatNameLine) > Write (3,20) CHARNB(Line1) > Write (3,20) CHARNB(Line2) >============================================================================== Sue, I think you could probably just remove the calls to the function CHARNB() and it would compile and run ok on a Unix f77 compiler Anyway Rob matson is listed as the author, I assume its the seesater best known now for IRIDFLAR and Skymap Tony Beresford