I've seen OAO-3 (Copernicus) flare quite frequently on passes, sometimes to -3 or so. Usually only a single flare is possible on a given pass from what I've observed, and I've probably seen 100. This satellite, before Iridium constellation, was high on my list for potential and spectacular flares. Enjoy! Rick Baldridge N37.262 W121.977 72M ---------- From: Tony Beresford To: Mir16609@aol.com; jdellinger@amoco.com Cc: SeeSat-L@cds.plasma.mpe-garching.mpg.de Subject: Re: very bright object Date: Saturday, June 13, 1998 6:04AM At 01:54 13/06/98 EDT, Mir16609@aol.com wrote: >The only one in an equatorial orbit (W -> E) was #6153 (Copernicus, COSPAR >72065A). I've never heard of it flaring but maybe someone else has. Its older companion OAO-2 ( 68-110A), was observed flaring to mag -4 20 November 1997 by Rob Mcnaught at Bugalbie. Tony Beresford