NOSS 2-3 Rk over 3 minutes late

Ed Cannon (
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 19:05:13 -0400

Last night (Monday, 23 June UTC) NOSS 2-3 Rk was almost 3.5 minutes 
late.  My predictions were for 3:07:08 to 3:07:24; I was lucky to 
see it at about 3:10:30 to 3:10:45 (with my clock set to the correct 
time!).  Peak magnitude must have been near zero before it entered
the shadow.  Location:  30.286N, 97.739W, 150m.

NOSS 2-3 Rk
1 23907U 96029B   98145.10736977  .00022000  00000-0  24695-3 0    00
2 23907  63.4295 160.8313 0081001 138.6318 221.3682 15.58161161    03

Ed Cannon -- -- Austin, Texas, USA