Observations of KHs made on 2003 June 2/3. No manoeuvres. 03-9A and B not observed - other observations to follow. David. IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss Sss TCHHMMmm DDMMm Mm E 9607201267503060221144571 010 12141968 +00231 15 5 9607201267503060221151970 010 1213398 +3626 4 5 9607201267503060221153280 010 12125678 +5608 4 5 0104401267503060223522974 010 12223039 +57129 1 5 9506601267503060300212962 010 12203687 +26287 1 5 9506601267503060300222049 010 12211737 +44056 15 5 999 David M Brierley Malvern, Worcestershire, UK Station 2675 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m davidbrierley@waitrose.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@satobs.org List archived at http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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