Re: Mars Express TLE?

From: Björn Gimle (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 07:58:45 EDT

  • Next message: HSHK: "Re: ISS radio voice transmissions"

    > The Horizon system uses the Minor Planet Centre observatory codes.
    > In this system observatory code 500 is geocenter.
    > If you use the WWW interface you have to put up with distances in AU,
    > but the number of significant figures is enough to get meaningful
    > values in Km.
    I found that on the telnet interface,  "Observe, Elements, Vectors
    [o,e,v,?] : o"  "Coordinate center [ <id>,coord,geo  ] : geo" , you can
    have RA Dec in degrees, and range in km, better for SkyMap .trj format.
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