Hi all, Not sure if anyone is near to me here on the Wirral UK , but CalSKY.com now confirms that I will be almost on the centre line of an ISS lunar transit tomorrow evening . Here are the details.......keps are only 1 day old and mag 5 is expected.....not sure how that relates to the brightness of the moon early evening , but I hope to try and catch an image of the event , should hopfully catch at least a grey blur , if not better....It would be nice to have a bit of back-up if anyone can try from the Liverpool area :O) Here are the details. 19h41m17.5s Prgrs M-47(Dk) (27681 2003-6-A) Crosses the disk of Moon. Separation:0.02d Angular Velocity:42.1'/s. Transit duration: 0.76s Angular diameter: 3.0" cylindrical, 8.0m x 3.0m Direction towards center line: 0.36km, az: 4.6d N az: 170.2d S h: 39.9 dist: 596.0km mag=2.2m 19h41m18.7s ISS Crosses the disk of Moon. Separation:0.04d Angular Velocity:42.1'/s. Transit duration: 0.75s Angular diameter: 7.7" cylindrical, 20.0m x 10.0m Direction towards center line: 0.64km, az: 3.4d N az: 170.2d S h: 39.9 dist: 595.9km mag=-0.8m ....................straight through the middle ; O ) Regards, John. http://www.satcom.freeserve.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@satobs.org List archived at http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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