NE Iowa ISS lunar transit 6/09/03 UT

From: Tom Wagner (
Date: Sun Jun 08 2003 - 23:31:56 EDT

  • Next message: Thomas Fly: "Re: NE Iowa ISS lunar transit 6/09/03 UT"

    After dousing myself with mosquito repellent I went outside tonight to set
    up for a dark twilight high lunar transit by the ISS. I set up to watch it
    from my backyard at 81X through my Celestron 8 inch telescope.
    I placed my Nikon Coolpix 4500 digital camera onto my Celestron 5 inch
    telescope 40 mm eyepiece to try to get it digitally. I set the camera on
    "movie mode" and did catch the pass at 15 frames per second!  The moon more
    than fills the frame a bit. I will soon be trying to get that movie to a URL
    where people can see it.
    I also taped it at 25X using my Sony digital video (DV) camera. I learned a
    lesson in that on the tape I chose an exposure appropriate for the moon
    which made the ISS  barely visible. It showed up well at the higher
    magnification using the digital camera on the telescope however.
    What I saw with my eyes was absolutely beautiful! The moment the ISS came
    into view it was already on the bright limb of the moon. The station itself
    was a tiny white dot somewhat brighter than the moon's surface. What I
    really liked was how when the contrast brightened as it crossed the
    terminator the station appeared to grow in size. It appeared to suddenly
    swell many times in size and turned into a brilliant light little light. It
    was gorgeous!
    Thanks Kevin and Tom for the warning!
    Clear skies,
    Tom  Iowa  USA
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