Re: progress is away

From: Antonín Víte (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 01:58:47 EDT

  • Next message: Atul Sowani: "Re: Interesting KH-7 Program Article"

    This "three-day scheme" was employed in fhe fhights of Progresses to the ISS
    two times, namely ISS-7P (test of BILU = blok izmeriteley lineinykh
    uskoreniy = block of linear accelerio neasuring units) and -8P (test of Kurs
    system). Once was use 4-day scheme on ISS-9P (test of Kusr system).
    Similarly 3-day scheme was used in flights to the Mir space station on some
    occassions (lastly on Progress M 1-5, 2001-003A)
    To recap (from my pages, sorry in Czech language):
    COSPAR      Name                                  Launch  (UTC)
    Docking (Capture) (UTC)
    2000-044A    Progress M 1-3  ISS-1P     2000-08-06  18:26:42   2000-08-08
    2000-073A    Progress M 1-4  ISS-2P     2000-11-16  01:32:36   2000-11-18
    03:47:42 (delayed tens of minutes due to Kurs system malfunction)
    2001-008A    Progress M-44   ISS-3P     2001-02-26  08:09:35   2001-02-29
    2001-021A    Progress M 1-6  ISS-4P     2001-05-20  22:32:40   2001-05-23
    2001-036A    Progress M-45   ISS-5P     2001-08-21  09:23:54   2001-08-23
    2001-041A    Progress M-SO1 ISS-4R    2001-09-14  23:34:52   2001-09-17
    01:05   (Russian docking module with modified Progress as tug)
    2001-051A    Progress M 1-7  ISS-6P     2001-11-26  18:24:12   2001-11-28
    2002-013A    Progress M 1-8  ISS-7P     2002-03-21  20:13:39   2002-03-24
    20:57:56  (3 days, test BILU)
    2002-033A    Progress M-46   ISS-8P     2002-06-26  05:36:30   2002-06-29
    06:23:00  (3 days, test Kurs-A)
    2002-045A    Progress M-1-9  ISS-9P    2002-09-25  16:58:24    2002-09-29
    17:00:54   (4 days, test Kurs-A)
    2003-006A    Progress M-47   ISS-10P   2003-02-02  12:59:40   2003-02-04
    Detailed tinetable for the current mission see eg.:
    Mgr. Antonin Vitek, CSc.
    Office: Main Library, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
      Narodni 3, CZ-11522 Praha 1 - Phone: +420/221 403 255, fax +420/224 240
    Home: Kytin 127, CZ-25210 Mnisek p. B., Czech Republic
    Phone: +420/318 592 865, cell +420/603 148 201 - Coord.: 14.2194 deg E,
    49.8488 deg N, 442 m ASL
    My satellite home page:
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Walter Nissen <>
    > Has this happened before?  I mean the 3-day trip to the ISS.  I seem
    > to recall 2-day trips.
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