Observations with Mintron 12V1C-EX and lens f=300 mm f/4 integration 0.48 seconds and 0.64 seconds (last 4 obs) gain 18 dB IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss Sss TCHHMMmm DDddd DdddE MMm 9958601500503060800482740 030 131550162 -069382 00015 103 9958601500503060800522510 030 131554163 -069765 00015 99 9958601500503060800555240 030 131557651 -070089 00015 102 9958601500503060800563800 030 131558420 -070152 00015 101 9958601500503060801014090 030 131603516 -070618 00015 11 9958601500503060801022270 030 131604223 -070682 00015 11 9958601500503060801132690 030 131615406 -071712 00015 99 9958601500503060823075330 030 131412604 -061217 00015 105 9958601500503060823084080 030 131413406 -061253 00015 11 9958601500503060823180350 030 131422873 -061985 00015 103 9958601500503060823184730 030 131423617 -062045 00015 103 9958601500503060823281500 030 131433162 -062780 00015 106 9958601500503060823285240 030 131433789 -062825 00015 99 9958601500503060823375350 030 131442905 -063549 00015 105 9958601500503060823384050 030 131443697 -063623 00015 107 9958601500503060823491070 030 131454297 -064485 00015 101 9958601500503060823495630 030 131455061 -064552 00015 105 9958601500503060823584450 030 131503959 -065316 00015 99 9958601500503060823593210 030 131504758 -065384 00015 108 9958601500503060900055250 030 131511161 -065929 00015 107 9958601500503060900065650 030 131512239 -066026 00015 108 9958601500503060900180470 030 131523485 -066990 00015 105 9958601500503060900190670 030 131524529 -067084 00015 103 9958601500503060900280150 030 131533533 -067883 00015 104 9958601500503060900290300 030 131534569 -067991 00015 102 9958601500503060900380780 030 131543736 -068806 00015 99 9958601500503060900390030 030 131544614 -068882 00015 100 elset from observations June 08/09: GEO331 3.3 1 99331U 95586 A 03159.00000000 .00000000 00000-0 00000+0 0 00 2 99331 2.0179 75.0478 0035830 165.4335 348.2729 1.00272136 00 Rainer Rainer Kracht Elmshorn, Germany Station 5005 53.7695N 9.6626E 9m Potsdam Datum 53.7679N 9.6614E 47m WGS84 R.Kracht@t-online.de ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@satobs.org List archived at http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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