Decay Alert Update

From: Harro Zimmer (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 13:28:00 EDT

  • Next message: "Two Launches Today"

    Report time: 17:00 UTC
    2003-025B (#27824) Soyuz 3. Stage
    SCC'S 02 HOURS BEFORE DECAY message - prepared June 10, 16:54 UTC
    - predicts the decay on
    10 June, 18:24 UTC +/- 02 hours (22.2°N, 256.9°E)
    ascending over Central America.
    MPM+REENTRY delivers with the ELSETs 03161.151... - 03161.638...
    (SFX 155, ap 27 ) the decay on
    10 June, 18;21 UTC +/- 11 minutes (13.39°N,249.56°E)
    also northbound over the Pacific.
     It seems very possible that the decay occur on daylight over
    the United States. I see only a small chance that the big
    stage survive and reach Europe.But Pierre please have a lock...
    Berlin, Germany
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