Re: 2003-025B decayed

From: Harro Zimmer (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 16:43:00 EDT

  • Next message: Wim Holwerda: "satellite transits the sun ? + introduction"

    Report time 20:34 UTC
    2003-025B (#27824) Soyuz 3. Stage
    SCC has now released the FINAL MESSAGE - prepared June 10,
    18:37 UTC and shows:
    10 June, 18:21 UTC +/- 07 minutes  (25.0°N, 260.0°E)
    ascending over Mexico.
    The time is identical with my final analysis but we have a
    large difference in position. I have some severe doubts about
    SCC'S co-ords. 
    Berlin, Germany
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