Re: unid slow flasher 6/8/03 in Corvus

From: Björn Gimle (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 19:00:36 EDT

  • Next message: Thomas Fly: "Re: satellite transits the sun ? + introduction"

    First, my apologies for the the [DSat] plot, whose topocenter I pasted
    incorrectly - it should have been Tony's coordinates. I hope somebody in
    Australia was able to see it (or will be, using later ephemerides)
    I can definitively confirm Tony's identification below. In a plot against
    a normal star background the track appears to have an incorrect angle
    relative to the (fixed) camera, because of the slow speed of the
    In SkyMap's horizontal mode, the direction looks perfect. I made a
    transparent SkyMap plot, overlaid on top of the image to prove it.
    I also find an even shorter streak below right of delta Corvi. Its
    direction is a bit difficult to nail down exactly because of its
    shortness, but it appears to be about 012 degrees the local RA
    circles, matching the track of #22828 ItamSat 93-61F, moving N in a 98
    degree orbit (a 0.7 sec. flash at about 12:18:22)
    The exposure time appears to be almost 4 min (the RA separation of beta
    Corvi and #HP061015), and the time 12:15:30 to 12:19:30 UTC from the
    position of the track of #13606 1982 100D, Glonass2.
    My (somewhat stale) elsets:
    1 22828U 93061F   03146.63423024  .00000094  00000-0  52915-4 0  5051
    2 22828  98.2619 172.7591 0009564 315.6283  44.4128 14.29539155471990
    1 13606U 82100D   03140.95347798 -.00000078  00000-0  10000-3 0  7894
    2 13606  65.8372   1.2924 0044116  37.9575 322.3994  2.13101524160377
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    Sent: den 9 juni 2003 18:14
    Subject: Re: unid slow flasher 6/8/03 in Corvus
    > At 00:15 10/06/03, Y.K CHIA wrote:
    > >Hi folks:
    > >
    > >     In reviewing my video for meteor I came across this short streak
    ( see link for image). Video replay indicated a slow moving satellite
    with flash cylce of 11 seconds. ( take only a few timing, might not
    capture the true 'cycle').  I tried alldat.tle and mccantls.tle but with
    no matches close to the vicinity of this one. Please help to ID. Thanks
    > >
    > >
    > >    Time: SGP 20:16:42 or UT 12:16:42
    > >    Direction of travel : southbound pass close to beta Corvus(see
    image link above) .
    > I believe this is 13606 1982 100D, Glonass2, USSR navigational
    satellite, in a 65 degree,
    > near 12 hour circular orbit.
    > Tony Beresford
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