OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 14

From: Michael McCants (mmccants@jump.net)
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 11:05:04 EDT

  • Next message: Leo Barhorst: "Re: OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 14"

                     Satellite Catalog Action Report
    From: 2003/06/07
    Through: 2003/06/14
    The following objects have been reported as cataloged:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ----------
    2003-024A    27820 AMC-9                     US     2003/06/06
    2003-024B    27821 BREEZE M DEB (TANK)       CIS    2003/06/06
    2003-025A    27823 PROGRESS M1-10            CIS    2003/06/08
    2003-025B    27824 SOYUZ R/B                 CIS    2003/06/08
    2003-026A    27825 THURAYA 2                 UAE    2003/06/10
    2003-026B    27826 BLOCK DM-SL               SEAL   2003/06/10
    2003-027A    27827 MER-A                     US     2003/06/10
    2003-027B    27828 DELTA 2 R/B(2)            US     2003/06/10
    2003-027C    27829 DELTA 2 R/B(1)            US     2003/06/10
    2003-028A    27830 B-SAT 2C                  JPN    2003/06/11
    2003-028B    27831 OPTUS 1C                  AUS    2003/06/11
    2003-028C    27832 ARIANE R/B                ESA    2003/06/11
    2003-028D    27833 ARIANE DEB (SYLDA)        ESA    2003/06/11
    The following objects have been reported as decayed:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    1992-041J    27675 ARIANE 44L DEB            ESA    1992/07/09 2003/05/18
    1964-049Q    26961 COSMOS 41 DEB             CIS    1964/08/22 2003/05/21
    2003-025B    27824 SOYUZ R/B                 CIS    2003/06/08 2003/06/10
    2003-022A    27816 MARS EXPRESS              ESA    2003/06/02 2003/06/12
    2003-022B    27817 FREGAT DS R/B             CIS    2003/06/02 2003/06/12
    The following objects have been reported as modified:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    1962-061A    00448 SL-6 R/B                  CIS    1962/11/01 1962/11/03
    1971-045B    05235 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1971/05/19 1971/05/21
    1971-049B    05255 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1971/05/28 1971/05/31
    1973-047B    06743 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1973/07/21 1973/07/23
    1973-049B    06755 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1973/07/25 1973/07/27
    1973-052B    06769 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1973/08/05 1973/08/07
    1973-053B    06777 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1973/08/09 1973/08/11
    1988-058B    19282 SL-12 R/B                 CIS    1988/07/07     /  /
    1987-004HD   19474 COSMOS 1813 DEB           CIS    1987/01/15 1989/06/26
    1985-056P    19857 ARIANE 1 DEB              ESA    1985/07/02     /  /
    1985-056Q    19951 ARIANE 1 DEB              ESA    1985/07/02     /  /
    1965-108AZ   20760 TITAN 3C DEB              US     1965/12/21     /  /
    1994-040D    23178 ARIANE DEB (SPELDA)       ESA    1994/07/08 2003/05/18
    2002-062C    27646 BREEZE-M DEB (TANK)       CA     2002/12/29     /  /
    2002-042H    27815 USERS SEM                 JPN    2002/09/10     /  /
    2003-022A    27816 MARS EXPRESS              ESA    2003/06/02 2003/06/12
    2003-022B    27817 FREGAT DS R/B             CIS    2003/06/02 2003/06/12
    2003-023A    27818 COSMOS 2398               CIS    2003/06/04     /  /
    2003-023B    27819 SL-8 R/B                  CIS    2003/06/04     /  /
    2003-024B    27821 BREEZE M DEB (TANK)       CIS    2003/06/06     /  /
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sat Jun 14 2003 - 11:09:21 EDT