June 15'03 Sat NOAA6 and a unid..

From: chiayk1 (chiayk1@singnet.com.sg)
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 11:09:39 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "Updated USA 129 and IGS 1B elements"

    Hi folks:
        Tonight ( June 15 2003)  I started early - did not see any meteors
    but a couple of satellites.
        a) NOAA 6  gives a bright flare pass near Kappa Centarus and beta
    Lupus 20:19:19 SGP time or UT 12:19:19.
        b) Then I found an UNID  as I gazed at the familiar trapezoid
    tau1,tau2, iota, and ?. Then I noticed something strange. A 'double*'
    star was seen ... I checked my map - no double  there and then I look at
    the monitor again, one of the intruder moves!  * position RA 14h 20m
    55.79s, Dec - 45d12m19.3s
        I placed both ( x1 image) and x1 map of the UNID in this quickie
    page.. . ( travelling slowing at around 5 minutes for a degree
    motion...mag !5+)
    What do you think is the UNID fellow?
    +8 UT, Long: 103.7773 E , Lat 1.4311 N
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