further info to my earlier post of Unid June 1503

From: chiayk (chiayk1@singnet.com.sg)
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 12:58:30 EDT

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Re: June 15'03 Sat NOAA6 and a unid.."

    Hi folks:
       Further to my earlier post here is a negative video image of the unid.
       It is barely detectable even in negative mode.
       The object is hand marked 'V1' and 'V2' - at the tip of the V-shape.
    Beginning position is V1/with a star direction after 5 minutes plus 
    ended up in
    +8 UT, Long: 103.7773 E , Lat 1.4311 N
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