ISS Solar transit today

From: John Locker (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 11:44:22 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "RE: TJM obs of 2003 Jun 16 UTC"

    Hi all,
    After a 20 mile trek to get onto the centre line of todays ISS Solar transit
    I managed to get a video of the pass.
    The station came up crisp and clear , although by my clock a couple of
    seconds late.
    About 2 secs after ISS and slightly North , but on the same track I can just
    make out what appears to be another object .....but its only a pixel in size
    and very faint....I wonder if this could be a Progress?
    I'm hoping to get an animation up on my website later tonight , complete
    with all the tracking data.
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