Re: Unid sat recovered tonite 6/16/03

From: Thierry Marais (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 15:18:32 EDT

  • Next message: John Locker: "ISS Solar Transit video (June 16 2003 )"

    I tried also OD on my side and found :
    UNID Jun16
    1 88888U 03667A   03167.51306713 0.00000000  00000-0  00000+0 1    08
    2 88888  39.8983 304.9374 2626998 139.2084  96.5434  1.00271510    09
    I get slightly better residuals with different e and aop (sdp4 model). It gives
    significantly different  trajectories everywhere except around southern apex,
    where observations are done. To solve the ambiguity, points with higher 
    declination are needed.
    A strange behaviour of the time residuals, could it come from the long time
    exposure uncertainties (Yeong ?).
    date hhmmss time_err xtrack_err
     15/ 6 124505     1.954 s    9.27'
     16/ 6 121849    -7.045 s   -2.95'
     16/ 6 122327    16.947 s    0.76'
     16/ 6 122934   -13.395 s    1.54'
     16/ 6 124452     8.075 s   -3.39'
     16/ 6 124651    -6.612 s   -5.33'
    T. Marais
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