UNID 6/17 3rd update

From: chiayk1 (chiayk1@singnet.com.sg)
Date: Tue Jun 17 2003 - 12:42:51 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Pickup: "Decay watch: 2003 June 17"

    Hi folks:
        Same UNID  picked up tonite for the 3rd time and I watched the b/w
    monitor  from UT 12:16 till 14:50 with DV recording on. Changed tapes
        The object generally 'hugged' the Declination  -46 degree  line
    throughout the 2 hrs 34 minutes of  following. It finally dimming out
    and disappeared in Norman/Scorpion border.  Magnitudes loss were
    gradually but  noticeable.  Any explanation for this? Thanks.
       Tonight the object returned to 'reference-point' RA earlier than
    previous night at 20:30:15 ( compare 6/16 (20:38:28) and 6/15(
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