Obs 18 June 2003 Part 1

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 12:07:41 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2003 June 19"

    Observations 18 June 2003:
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System), 1004x low
    light level CCD surveillance camera (0.003 lux) with 145mm focal
    length f/2.5 lens with focal length reducer, field of view
    1.89 x 1.43 degrees.
    Conditions fair - transparency did not look that great.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    10529 77 112D   0433 F 20030618193319100 17 15 1146250+014905 39 I+096 05
    10529 77 112D   0433 F 20030618193336000 17 15 1148422-001932 39 I+093 05
    10529 77 112D   0433 F 20030618193410900 17 15 1153355-050408 39 I+093 05
    10502 77 112A   0433 F 20030618193500400 17 15 1150235-022614 39 I+097 05
    10502 77 112A   0433 F 20030618193517500 17 15 1152455-045056 39 I+097 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030618194038200 17 15 1013207-050714 39 I+070 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030618194400200 17 15 1136204+003453 39 I+087 05
    07816 75 043A   0433 F 20030618162036100 17 15 1654323-254848 39 I+065 05
    07816 75 043A   0433 F 20030618162141200 17 15 1729149-381435 39 I+068 05
    07816 75 043A   0433 F 20030618162326600 17 15 1854589-532613 39 I+079 05
    11731 80 019C   0433 F 20030618162641700 17 15 0546230-555613 39 I+084 05
    23031 94 017B   0433 F 20030618163002700 17 15 1936381-533012 39  +080 05
    11389 79 050A   0433 F 20030618163617800 17 15 1404308+113831 39 R+056 05
    11389 79 050A   0433 F 20030618163634100 17 15 1356041+153845 39 R+068 05
    11389 79 050A   0433 F 20030618163705300 17 15 1341129+223027 39 R+071 05
    10544 77 112E   0433 F 20030618201350100 17 15 1102569-013344 39 S+087 05
    10544 77 112E   0433 F 20030618201417700 17 15 1104110-042651 39 S+087 05
    11745 80 019G   0433 F 20030618164404800 17 15 0808589-043408 39 I+093 05
    22638 93 026A   0433 F 20030618172103700 17 15 1342277-023138 39 I+080 05
    22638 93 026A   0433 F 20030618172134700 17 15 1410319-141453 39 I+076 05
    22638 93 026A   0433 F 20030618172204700 17 15 1442451-254613 39 I+072 05
    22638 93 026A   0433 F 20030618172243300 17 15 1532140-384127 39 I+076 05
    13844 83 008E   0433 F 20030618172823600 17 15 0719346-341511 39 I+083 05
    13844 83 008E   0433 F 20030618172921500 17 15 0815206-245835 39 I+067 05
    13844 83 008E   0433 F 20030618173001000 17 15 0854577-154646 39 I+071 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030618203835900 17 15 1148416-142040 39 I+076 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030618204159500 17 15 1226329-134815 39 I+064 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030618204443500 17 15 1257393-125000 39 I+075 05
    (1) The ccd camera is now fitted with an infra-red cutoff filter. This
        results in smaller and sharper stellar/satellite images but the down
        side is that I have lost some sensitivity as the camera is more
        sensitive in the near infra red. I appear to have lost about 0.4 to
        0.5 magnitudes but some of this could be due to the transparency.
        The camera has also been modified and has a gain boost of about 8 to
        9 dB which means a higher noise level but now the ccd chip is
        operating at maximum sensitivity.
    (2) An orbital plane scan was done for USA89 rocket starting 8 minutes
        early till 11 minutes after predicted time. Nil was seen but this
        could be due to the satellite being too faint at the time?
    (3) With the current focal length it is obvious that a time resolution
        of only 0.1 seconds is insufficient as a satellite moves an
        appreciable distance in 0.1 seconds with a narrow field of view. I
        could go to 0.03 seconds accuracy but this means extra work when
        measuring the images - would the effort be justified ?
    (4) I did predict ykchia's mysterious object but found that I was unable
        to observe it because of trees. I see that the satellite has now
        been identfied as a "hot" pixel in the ccd camera used. I was caught
        like this some time ago when I discovered 5 geostationary satellite
        trails in an integrated exposure of which I could only identify 2 -
        fortunately I realised it was due to hot pixels before making the
        discovery public.
    (5) Due to pressure of time I still have the following to measure and
        Milstar 3 Centaur rocket
        DMSP B5D2-8
        DMSP B5D2-7
        USA 40 rocket
        NOSS 2 (D)
        NOSS 2 (A)
        Milstar 3
        DMSP B5C-04
        DMSP B5D2-8
        Unknown 90013
        DMSP B5D2-7
    (If observations of some of these objects appear in those reported
     today it was because there was more than one transit observed)
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