Obs 18 June 2003 Part 2/2

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Fri Jun 20 2003 - 12:37:23 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Holdsworth: "Re: neighbor sees his 1st flare"

    Observations 18 June 2003:  Part 2 of a total of 2 messages
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System), 1004x low
    light level CCD surveillance camera (0.003 lux) with 145mm focal
    length f/2.5 lens with focal length reducer, field of view
    1.89 x 1.43 degrees.
    Conditions fair - transparency did not look that great.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    Part 2 of 2:
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030618184446800 17 15 0822213-202900 39 R+068 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030618184518100 17 15 0833333-141445 39 R+069 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030618184548100 17 15 0842370-082958 39 R+070 05
    90013 03 564A   0433 F 20030618184036500 17 15 1537066-001114 39 S+078 05
    23233 94 057A   0433 F 20030618185119000 17 15 0831495-111016 39 R+078 05
    23233 94 057A   0433 F 20030618185138400 17 15 0837050-074915 39 R+083 05
    23233 94 057A   0433 F 20030618185211900 17 15 0845082-021805 39 R+075 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030618165613000 17 15 0800491-045644 39 R+072 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030618165840200 17 15 0830349-070927 39 R+069 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030618171159000 17 15 1504418-064036 39 R+063 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030618170155900 17 15 1700222-484107 39 S+060 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030618170245100 17 15 1602180-382021 39 S+050 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030618170405800 17 15 1447410-130319 39 S+051 05
    23233 94 057A   0433 F 20030618170659100 17 15 1751396-602016 39 S+065 05
    23233 94 057A   0433 F 20030618170730500 17 15 1701307-570019 39 S+063 05
    23233 94 057A   0433 F 20030618170829600 17 15 1536053-443545 39 S+054 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030618173611800 17 15 0949339+081541 39 I+079 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030618173726700 17 15 0956415+040628 39 I+069 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030618173902200 17 15 1007204-022701 39 I+077 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030618174038600 17 15 1020474-111044 39 I+095 05
    10529 77 112D   0433 F 20030618174507400 17 15 1529394+091310 39 I+094 05
    10529 77 112D   0433 F 20030618174527400 17 15 1536303+065004 39 I+093 05
    10529 77 112D   0433 F 20030618174654600 17 15 1608125-033936 39 I+090 05
    10502 77 112A   0433 F 20030618174736800 17 15 1559571-003214 39 I+092 05
    10502 77 112A   0433 F 20030618174801400 17 15 1609273-033141 39 I+089 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030618175344700 17 15 1111179-190305 39 I+075 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030618175420400 17 15 1121039-192100 39 I+071 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030618175522500 17 15 1138087-194621 39 I+070 05
    07816 75 043A   0433 F 20030618175839600 17 15 1125283+160623 39 I+075 05
    07816 75 043A   0433 F 20030618175910900 17 15 1110206+075833 39 I+073 05
    (1) If any mistakes blame Blackie the cat. He was sitting on my lap as
        I tried to type this and his head blocked my view of the keyboard
        some times. In addition he kept on nudging my hands so may have
        mistyped.  ( Ive got to blame somebody since Im PERFECT :-)))  )
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Jun 20 2003 - 15:27:16 EDT