milstar 6 again seen in binoculars

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 02:12:40 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "RE: TJM obs of 2003 Jun 24 UTC"

    Again a few minutes ago I was able to see the milstar 6 geo sat in my
    tripod mounter 10*50 binoculars. I would estimate it's mag 8 and
    brighter. The first time, that I saw it in binoculars was the morning of
    June 2. I can't wait until geo sat flare month in Spet/Oct ,  It wouldn't
    suprise me if this
    one will be seen naked eye somewhere on earth.
    I just got a new computer to replace my old one, so I haven't done any
    satellite observing since the first week of June. My old computer
    motherboard is toast, so I needed to upgrade to a newer motherboard. So I
    now have a amd athlon xp 2600+ cpu with 1GB of ram.
    My old one was an  intel pentium 4 1.4 GHz cpu with only 256 MB of ram. Now
    I can capture and edit video way more easily.
    Now to go  out and watch the milsatr 6 geo sat again.=20
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