Re: what will be the best observing device ?

From: Björn Gimle (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 05:14:24 EDT

  • Next message: "Superbird A 24-25 June 2003 UTC"

    > My 10" Meade Schmidt/Newtonian arrived I think the same day
    > Björn received his.  I ordered the software & cable for
    > satellite tracking last week ($50), ...
    > One thing nice about a Schmidt/Newtonian is the large field
    > of view that it's capable of, thanks to f/4 optics.  Also
    > (if something in the neighborhood of $1000 U.S. is in your
    > price range), I think Meade is still offering a $650 set of
    > eyepieces for $99, in commemoration of their 30th anniversary.
    I forgot to mention this vital point of focus ratio. Avoid the
    long-focus LXD55 SC-8 and ETX-90/105/125 (unless you need a
    compact scope)
    LXD55 SN-6 is 762mm f/5 and $695, SN-8 is 810 mm f/4
    (the refractors AR-5 AR-6 are 1288-1212 mm  f/9 and f/8)
    There are also budget models DS-2070AT (700mm f/10 refractor),
    DS-2114AT DS2130AT (Newtonians, 1000mm f/7.9-8.8) and short
    refractor ETX-70. These are not included in the eyepiece offer.
    There are also some similar Celestron models 60/80/114 mm and 4"/5"/8"
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