superbird A

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 12:14:47 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2003 June 24/25 +CCD"

    After a very long time, I was able to go out and see superbird a flashing
    again. I was out observing it last night on the tv. I had setup my low light
    video camera and hooked it up to a small black and white tv. I show the guy
    next door my setup, and he saw it flashing also on the tv. We had two
    satellites pass throught the feild of view, and he said he didnt know it was
    so busy up there:) There's alot of stuff orbiting up there. It great when
    the person next door has an interest in astronomy. A young girl next door to
    the other side, had seen my telescope setup and was asking about it, maybe
    she has an interest in astrononomy to:) Wow good, then it will be easier to
    keep the light levels down, and not be blasted by a bright light by the
    people next door.
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