Last night's observations of 03-12B and 97-68B were made by CCD imaging. As I have no wish to replace visual observing entirely with CCD imaging, but to use CCD for slow-moving objects which are difficult to detect visually, I opted for a 'single-shot' system rather than a video camera. The Starlight Xpress MX716 uses a similar chip to Rainer's Mintron and I have coupled it (rather crudely at present) to a Canon 85mm F1.2 lens which gives a field of view of about 4.3 x 3.0 degrees. For my first images of 03-12B, a Centaur rocket, I took a 10s exposure with the camera fixed which resulted in short star trails and an easy-to-spot point source marking the satellite (I havn't found any faulty bright pixels yet). Contrast stretching revealed stars down to about mag 13.5 with enough star trails close to the satellite to get a position accurate to a couple of arcmin relative to the eastern end of the trails (start of exposure at a known time). At only 24 degrees elevation in the skyglow from Southampton's city lights I could not find the satellite let alone mag 13 stars in my 8-inch (200mm) telescope. First results are very encouraging but I must improve the lens mounting to facilitate focussing. Currently the nights are too short to do much experimenting but my first project will be to attempt recovery of the lost Trumpets, 97-68A and 94-26A. SATOBS 9607201201803062421243211 01 12145684 -11235 01 5 4 S 9607201201803062421254672 01 12134116 +22310 01 5 5 S 9607201201803062421274048 01 12080138 +59022 01 5 -1 5 I 0300901201803062421360710 01 12172513 +06265 01 5 4 S 0300901201803062421365631 01 12173821 +36451 01 5 4 S 0104003201803062421402399 01 12121355 +17124 01 5 6 S 0104001201803062421410889 01 12124809 +12021 01 5 6 S 9706401201803062421505062 01 12042212 +78578 01 5 4 S 9706401201803062421505180 01 12041228 +78598 01 5 4 S 9202301201803062421522970 01 12134180 +22355 01 5 5 S 9202301201803062421533567 01 12124764 +50087 01 5 5 6 I 9602904201803062421571342 01 12043113 +70196 01 5 7 S 9602903201803062421571663 01 12043194 +70337 01 5 7 S 9602905201803062421571944 01 12043117 +70203 005 5 7 S 9602904201803062421591046 01 12001616 +61551 01 5 7 S 9602903201803062421591369 01 12001500 +62107 01 5 7 S 9602905201803062421591655 01 12001622 +61542 01 5 6 S 8401204201803062422110247 01 12125526 +56094 01 5 8 S 0004701201803062422125836 01 12103906 +44513 01 5 4 S 0004701201803062422142552 01 12073094 +68284 005 5 4 S 8401201201803062422153875 01 12141740 +40234 01 5 8 S 8401201201803062422172379 01 12160316 +21545 01 5 8 S 9902801201803062422215410 01 12094072 +53214 01 5 6 8 R 9902801201803062422215771 01 12094183 +53317 01 5 6 8 R 9902801201803062422241580 01 12103940 +60012 01 5 7 8 R 9602401201803062422261494 01 12114943 +18545 01 5 5 S 9902801201803062422292516 01 12145153 +63029 01 5 5 7 R 0300902201803062422315170 01 12140465 -14091 01 5 4 S 0300902201803062422331580 01 12124713 +06593 01 5 3 S 9107605201803062422345021 01 12185954 +19386 01 5 7 S 9107603201803062422360059 01 12202898 +29574 01 5 6 S 9107604201803062422370290 01 12213206 +34128 01 5 6 S 9101701201803062422552103 01 12121762 +14272 01 5 5 S 030120220180306242301000 1 12153215 -10571 02 5 030120220180306242305000 1 12153614 -10559 04 5 030120220180306242311000 1 12154230 -10531 02 5 030120220180306242315000 1 12154626 -10511 02 5 030120220180306242322000 1 12155335 -10494 02 5 030120220180306242325300 1 12155685 -10476 02 5 9706401201803062423294309 01 12102695 +36260 01 5 6 S 9706401201803062423304537 01 12103621 +47449 01 5 5 S 9706401201803062423320733 01 12111483 +73288 01 5 5 S 9706401201803062423332299 01 12215495 +67450 01 5 4 S 030120220180306242335300 1 12160685 -10433 02 5 8204103201803062423390337 01 12060632 +73584 01 5 7 8 R 0104401201803062423405100 01 12235944 +53563 01 5 6 S 0104401201803062423414015 01 12014156 +61071 01 5 7 S 030120220180306242345000 1 12161636 -10390 02 5 9506601201803062423494831 01 12222390 +06131 01 5 5 S 9506601201803062423505729 01 12225725 +19593 01 5 5 S 9506601201803062423515908 01 12234632 +34125 01 5 5 S 9506601201803062423520040 01 12234766 +34308 01 5 5 S 9506601201803062423540475 01 12024626 +53117 01 5 5 S 0004701201803062423562620 01 12071552 +51259 01 5 5 S 030120220180306250000000 1 12163144 -10306 02 5 030120220180306250007000 1 12163855 -10273 02 5 7704401201803062500230828 01 12002402 +44180 01 5 6 INV R 7704401201803062500243536 01 12222180 +28139 01 5 5 6 R 970680220180306250027300 1 12110854 +57454 02 5 970680220180306250033300 1 12111753 +57297 02 5 9800701201803062500400276 01 12003638 +33366 01 5 8 S 9800701201803062500405669 01 12233099 +27434 01 5 7 S 9800701201803062500415164 01 12222339 +17414 01 5 7 S 9800701201803062500431834 01 12205468 -01192 01 5 6 S 970680220180306250045400 1 12113714 +56432 02 5 8300801201803062500482262 01 12060649 +72312 01 5 8 9 I 970680220180306250053200 1 12115015 +56017 02 5 9902801201803062500562834 01 12122474 +38170 01 5 6 8 R 9902801201803062500582390 01 12130498 +37172 01 5 6 8 R 9902801201803062500583115 01 12130748 +37107 02 5 6 8 R 9902801201803062501014405 01 12141663 +32147 01 5 6 7 R 970680220180306250104300 1 12120968 +54451 02 5 999 -- Peter Wakelin COSPAR 2018 GUNDLETON, Lat 51.0945N Long 1.1188W 124m ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to List archived at
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