Obs 24 June 2003 Part 2 of 2

From: Greg Roberts (grr@iafrica.com)
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 11:55:55 EDT

  • Next message: Björn Gimle: "Re: question - brightness of 20638 (ROSAT) + introducing myself"

    Observations 24 June 2003: Part 2 of 2
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System), 1004x low
    light level CCD surveillance camera (0.003 lux) with 145mm focal
    length f/2.5 lens with focal length reducer, field of view
    1.89 x 1.43 degrees.
    Conditions fair - transparency did not look that great.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030624172129400 17 15 1344081-121301 39 S+058 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030624172152400 17 15 1330514-030300 39 S+063 05
    23533 95 015A   0433 F 20030624172248400 17 15 1306040+145047 39 I+073 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030624171613100 17 15 0915144-052636 39 I+068 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030624171815900 17 15 0923492-154624 39 I+065 05
    20344 89 061D   0433 F 20030624171902600 17 15 0927276-204638 39 I+079 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030624170052300 17 15 0830293-115020 39 I+075 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030624170434700 17 15 0937421-154200 39 I+076 05
    25724 99 023A   0433 F 20030624170707900 17 15 1027196-172426 39 I+075 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030624165603300 17 15 1001467-151051 39 I+075 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030624165724500 17 15 1032063-150120 39 I+065 05
    25725 99 023B   0433 F 20030624165916100 17 15 1120532-140002 39 I+071 05
    26473 00 047A   0433 F 20030624164939500 17 15 1024305-734849 39 S+035 05
    26473 00 047A   0433 F 20030624165011100 17 15 1203071-631242 39 S+030 05
    26473 00 047A   0433 F 20030624165139000 17 15 1336552-162654 39 S+033 05
    26473 00 047A   0433 F 20030624165230000 17 15 1358391+050141 39 S+035 05
    21799 91 076C   0433 F 20030624164134300 17 15 1924472-570603 39 S+065 05
    21799 91 076C   0433 F 20030624164239800 17 15 1841398-464513 39 S+066 05
    21809 91 076E   0433 F 20030624164134300 17 15 1924504-565640 39 S+065 05
    21809 91 076E   0433 F 20030624164239800 17 15 1841032-462658 39 S+066 05
    21808 91 076D   0433 F 20030624164144100 17 15 1925427-565310 39 S+065 05
    21808 91 076D   0433 F 20030624164249700 17 15 1842511-463448 39 S+066 05
    22639 93 026B   0433 F 20030624163701500 17 15 1532309+084110 39 I+086 05
    22639 93 026B   0433 F 20030624163730800 17 15 1550195+021348 39 I+080 05
    22639 93 026B   0433 F 20030624163951700 17 15 1727305-255005 39 I+076 05
    22639 93 026B   0433 F 20030624164018000 17 15 1746290-292834 39 I+079 05
    18025 87 043H   0433 F 20030624162002600 17 15 1041518-675355 39 S+085 05
    18025 87 043H   0433 F 20030624162023700 17 15 1109097-721808 39 S+088 05
    18025 87 043H   0433 F 20030624162113900 17 15 1318090-795935 39 S+088 05
    18009 87 043E   0433 F 20030624161134700 17 15 1006167-371707 39 I+076 05
    18009 87 043E   0433 F 20030624161153400 17 15 1014491-420240 39 I+081 05
    18009 87 043E   0433 F 20030624161215300 17 15 1026505-473906 39 I+080 05
    18010 87 043F   0433 F 20030624161518500 17 15 1006185-451419 39 I+076 05
    18010 87 043F   0433 F 20030624161529100 17 15 1012138-475528 39 I+080 05
    18010 87 043F   0433 F 20030624161543500 17 15 1020030-513121 39 I+076 05
    This concludes observations for 24 June 2003
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu Jun 26 2003 - 13:08:43 EDT