Re: new satellite in orbit

From: Tony Beresford (
Date: Fri Jun 27 2003 - 08:43:53 EDT

  • Next message: Björn Gimle: "Re: 1st posting (3rd attempt...HTML rejections)"

    At 21:20 27/06/03, Kevin Fetter wrote:
    >ORBVIEW 3
    >1 27838U 03030A   03178.16439933  .00657899  00000-0  82338-2 0    48
    >2 27838  97.2776 250.8080 0046994 169.5502 275.1021 15.56437003    69
    >1 27839U 03030B   03178.40626958  .00004023  00000-0  54948-4 0    66
    >2 27839  97.2961 251.0542 0043563 167.6481 192.5746 15.56971268    91
    this satellite is just about on the noon-midnight line.
    It currently comes out of shadow heading North at around latitude 40-41deg N,
    around local midnight.
    Tony Beresford
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