Re: MER-B and Delta Second stage predictions

From: Björn Gimle (
Date: Sat Jun 28 2003 - 06:56:04 EDT

  • Next message: Michael McCants: "OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 28"

    I have converted JPL geocentric data to SkyMap 'Rocket Trajectory' .trj
    files, which avoids getting topocentric data for each observer. Just run
    SkyMap with F5 rocket option, F7/F1 to one of my .trj files, and set time
    to 05:00 UTC 2003/06/29.
    I made a test run for the Delta rocket post-depletion burn and one for
    MER/B  (opportunity 1) using Don Gardner's coordinates. I get a pass just
    below alpha Oph at 05:32, range 5924 km, two deg below zet Aql at 05:43,
    and a nice U-turn at Altair at 06:17, range 22382 km, returning to
    Ophiuccus (beta) 09:19 79862 km.
    For Austin, TX, it is closer to delta Herc 05:26:30, and the U occurs
    before passing Altair.
    (Complete files until 23:59 available at
    Files start:
    1140 27.00 -127.84 1181
    1440 28.46 -107.40 2628
    1740 27.43 -93.42 4349
    2040 25.69 -84.05 6181
    2340 23.91 -77.65 8049
    2640 22.29 -73.17 9917
    2940 20.85 -69.95 11769
    3240 19.60 -67.63 13599
    3540 18.50 -65.95 15403
    3840 17.54 -64.74 17182
    4140 16.68 -63.90 18936
    4440 15.92 -63.34 20665
    4740 15.24 -63.01 22371
    5040 14.62 -62.87 24055
    5340 14.06 -62.87 25719
    5640 13.55 -63.01 27364
    5940 13.09 -63.25 28990
    6240 12.66 -63.59 30599
    6540 12.26 -64.00 32193
    6840 11.89 -64.48 33771
    7140 11.55 -65.03 35335
    7440 11.23 -65.62 36885
    7740 10.93 -66.26 38422
    8040 10.65 -66.95 39948
    8340 10.39 -67.67 41462
    1020 23.65 -143.44 415
    1320 27.76 -122.46 821
    1620 28.32 -103.38 1344
    1920 26.38 -87.26 1921
    2220 23.07 -74.10 2505
    2520 21.38 -62.64 3075
    2820 18.95 -52.94 3602
    3120 16.22 -44.59 4073
    3420 13.33 -37.26 4482
    3720 10.38 -30.71 4823
    4020 7.42 -24.71 5094
    4320 4.47 -19.09 5293
    4620 1.53 -13.72 5420
    4920 -1.37 -368.46 5473
    5220 -4.26 -363.21 5452
    5520 -7.11 -357.85 5359
    5820 -9.93 -352.25 5192
    6120 -12.70 -346.28 4954
    6420 -15.39 -339.80 4644
    6720 -17.96 -332.59 4265
    7020 -20.31 -324.45 3821
    3540 28.25 -135.45 1308
    3840 29.36 -115.53 2795
    4140 28.14 -102.00 4533
    4440 26.30 -92.95 6372
    4740 24.47 -86.76 8241
    5040 22.80 -82.41 10109
    5340 21.34 -79.31 11959
    5640 20.06 -77.06 13786
    5940 18.94 -75.44 15588
    6240 17.95 -74.29 17365
    6540 17.08 -73.48 19116
    6840 16.30 -72.96 20843
    7140 15.60 -72.66 22547
    7440 14.97 -72.54 24229
    7740 14.40 -72.57 25891
    8040 13.88 -72.72 27534
    8340 13.40 -72.98 29159
    8640 12.96 -73.33 30767
    8940 12.56 -73.76 32359
    9240 12.18 -74.25 33935
    9540 11.83 -74.81 35498
    9840 11.50 -75.41 37047
    10140 11.20 -76.06 38584
    10440 10.91 -76.75 40108
    3420 25.04 -151.37 448
    3720 28.88 -130.36 870
    4020 29.11 -111.37 1401
    4320 26.89 -95.45 1981
    4620 23.35 -82.53 2565
    4920 20.74 -71.51 3126
    5220 18.23 -62.00 3642
    5520 15.44 -53.79 4102
    5820 12.52 -46.56 4498
    6120 9.56 -40.05 4826
    6420 6.59 -34.07 5083
    6720 3.63 -28.45 5267
    7020 0.70 -23.05 5379
    7320 -2.20 -377.74 5417
    7620 -5.07 -372.40 5382
    7920 -7.91 -366.92 5273
    8220 -10.71 -361.18 5091
    8520 -13.45 -355.03 4837
    8820 -16.10 -348.31 4511
    9120 -18.58 -340.82 4118
    9420 -20.81 -332.32 3660
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    > The launch opportunities Saturday night are June 29 03:56UT (azimuth
    > and 04:38UT (azimuth 99).
    > Predictions for the payload and the Delta second stage can be obtained
    > from the JPL Horizons system - see below.
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