Re: Earth's Magnitude

From: Tony Beresford (
Date: Sun Jun 29 2003 - 03:58:21 EDT

  • Next message: Björn Gimle: "Re: MER-B predictions for San Antonio, Texas"

    At 11:39 29/06/03, Praveen Bharadhwaj wrote:
    >Pls. forgive the slightly off-topic nature of the question, but what would
    >be the earth's magnitude value as viewed from a geosynchronous orbit?
    Aller  Astrophysical Quantities gives the absolute magnitude of Earth as -4.
    This is as seen from the Sun. Modify this to account for the smaller distance
    you require  gives a brightness increase of around 17-18 magnitude, so the
    result is -21 to -22. This is of course for local noon at the geosat
    subsatellite point.
    Tony Beresford
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