DSP 15

From: Rainer Kracht (R.Kracht@t-online.de)
Date: Sun Jun 29 2003 - 09:47:29 EDT

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "heavens-above advisory"

    Observations with Mintron 12V1C-EX and SCT 20 cm f/10
    with focal reducer e.f.l. 675 mm f/3.3
    field of view 0.56 x 0.41 deg
    each frame integrated for 0.32 seconds
    I have recorded four flashes from DSP 15 (FP 9.90 seconds):
    IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss  Sss  TCHHMMmm   DDddd  DdddE             MMm
    9009501500503062722013620  020  131335589 -033357 00015             130
    9009501500503062722014610  020  131335754 -033411 00015             125
    9009501500503062722040470  020  131338062 -034069 00015             115
    9009501500503062722041460  020  131338228 -034100 00015             120
    elset from observations June 27:
    DSP 15 (USA65)   4.0  2.0  0.0  5.0 d   10
    1 20929U 90095A   03179.00000000  .00000000  00000-0  00000+0 0    09
    2 20929   7.1531  59.9588 0006117 332.7127 204.7832  1.00274156    07
    Images of the ASTRA- and HotBird-Clusters from the same night are at:
    Rainer Kracht
    Elmshorn, Germany
    Station 5005
    53.7695N 9.6626E  9m Potsdam Datum
    53.7679N 9.6614E 47m WGS84
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