Report time:15:00 uTC 2003-010B (#27705) Delta 2 RB SCC'S 06 HOURS BEFORE DECAY message - prepared June 29,12:37 UTC - predicts: 29 June, 18:21 UTC +/- 04 hours (21.9°S, 103.5°E) descending over the Indian Ocean. Also my current forecast remains nearly unchanged included the last released ELSET 01380.481... and delivers: 29 June, 18:12 UTC +/- 17 minutes (03.66°S, 69.70°E) also southbound over the Pacific. BTW: Our down under fellows may have a look for the next update. At this time I see a real possibility for a decay over Australia. Harro Berlin, Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to List archived at
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