Fairly clear, though a swathe of cloud came across from the W, and prevented a search for 96-29F, TiPS. I used my 8" telescope on 83-8H,F,E and 97-68B. David. IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss Sss TCHHMMmm DDMMm Mm E 0300902267503062721240800 010 12202774 +49171 3 5 0300902267503062721244533 010 12223922 +63286 3 5 0300901267503062722000601 010 12153642 +09599 1 5 0300901267503062722011072 010 12133845 +51391 3 5 0300901267503062722014684 010 12104871 +65044 2 5 9202301267503062722043559 020 12115022 +33212 2 5 8406503267503062722064186 020 12123519 +02134 2 5 8406503267503062722073409 030 12114865 +14171 15 5 9906701267503062722111295 020 12123870 -00553 2 5 9607201267503062722184835 010 12130858 -11445 15 5 9607201267503062722221084 010 12095920 +29293 3 5 0300902267503062722594753 010 12094151 +31128 15 5 0302902267503062723030274 010 12223996 +23478 2 5 +28 S 8204103267503062723034205 010 12204920 +35338 1 5 8204103267503062723042232 010 12194868 +19165 1 5 9602904267503062723251178 010 12110082 +63262 1 5 9602905267503062723251791 010 12110109 +63253 1 5 9602903267503062723260575 010 12123063 +71203 15 5 8300808267503062723300096 010 12064058 +67306 15 5 8300806267503062723325848 010 12065331 +67147 1 5 8300805267503062723591825 010 12065721 +70103 1 5 0004701267503062800061809 010 12081637 +46518 2 5 0004701267503062800065708 010 12073019 +49247 2 5 9106302267503062800102609 010 12192895 +24461 1 5 +21 S 9104102267503062800225668 010 12190899 +14468 1 5 +37 S 0104401267503062800274571 010 12194948 -10506 2 5 0104401267503062800293422 010 12193669 +14262 1 5 0104401267503062800302832 010 12192390 +36279 1 5 9902203267503062800285261 010 12203396 +12115 15 5 +35 S 9506601267503062800373236 010 12210678 -05333 2 5 9506601267503062800384017 010 12211700 +10139 2 5 7806302267503062800442047 010 12191503 +20091 2 5 +3 S 7704401267503062800450252 010 12204996 +12300 2 5 7704401267503062800455589 010 12201503 -01118 1 5 9706802267503062800582724 010 12140080 +39128 05 5 9706802267503062801014376 010 12140811 +37006 05 5 9706802267503062801050901 010 12141573 +34251 08 5 9805503267503062801250011 010 12190243 +09380 1 5 9805503267503062801255627 010 12190181 +33373 1 5 9805503267503062801273903 010 1218133 +86390 1 5 999 David M Brierley Malvern, Worcestershire, UK Station 2675 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m davidbrierley@waitrose.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@satobs.org List archived at http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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