SeeSat-L Jun-03
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Starting: Sun Jun 01 2003 - 13:27:19 EDT
Ending: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 16:04:21 EDT
- #27698
- 03025B TLEs
- 1989-100B decayed
- 1st posting (3rd attempt...HTML rejections)
- 2003-025B decayed
- 5918 obs 2003-06-03
- 8305 obs 13jun 04h UT
- 8305obs 15jun 02h UT
- 8305obs 17jun 09h UT
- 8305obs 17jun ut
- 8305obs 18jun 02h UT
- 8305obs 18jun part2 of ?
- 8305obs 18jun part3
- 8305obs 19jun
- 8305obs 22jun 05h UT
- 8305obs 26jun 06h UT
- 8305obs 27jun ut
- [dsat] ISS flight mode ?
- [dsat] ISS flight mode ?- correction
- [dsat] Nr 159
- a cornucopia of satellites
- abuse of my email adress
- AlSat 1 SL-8 Rocket
- AMC-9 Launch 6-7 June
- Animation of ISS Lunar transit in daylight.
- bright debris
- Clouds created by shuttle
- Deay Alert 03025B
- Decay Alert 03025B
- Decay Alert Update
- Decay Forecast 1989-100B
- Decay Forecast Cosmos 426 RB
- Decay Forecast Delta 2 RB
- Decay Forecast Molniya 3-37
- Decay Forecast Molniya 3-37 Update
- Decay Forecast Update
- Decay watch: 2003 June 10
- Decay watch: 2003 June 14
- Decay watch: 2003 June 17
- Decay watch: 2003 June 18
- Decay watch: 2003 June 19
- Decay watch: 2003 June 22
- Decay watch: 2003 June 23
- Decay watch: 2003 June 25
- Decay watch: 2003 June 4
- Decay watch: 2003 June 5
- Decay watch: 2003 June 9
- Degrees or Arc minutes to Km's
- Delta 2 RB decayed
- Delta launch event art
- Disco balls and fast flashers TLE, June 13
- Disco balls and fast flashers TLE, June 20
- Disco balls and fast flashers TLE, June 28
- Disco balls and fast flashers TLE, June 6
- DMB Obs Jun 2-3
- DMB Obs Jun 27-28
- DMB Obs May 30
- DMB Obs May 31-June 1
- DMB Obs of KHs June 2-3
- Double Flash observed
- DSP 15
- DSP 20
- Earth's Magnitude
- Epoch Date Age Analysis
- further info to my earlier post of Unid June 1503
- GEO331
- great observation of prediction of iridium flash
- heavens-above advisory
- Homepage
- IGS 1B very bright
- Info on Nozomi Earth flyby Thursday June 19?
- Intelsat 512
- Interesting KH-7 Program Article
- Interpreting ISS transit alert
- Introduction
- Iridium 66 to -6mag
- ISS Lunar transit alert
- ISS radio voice transmissions
- ISS solar transit images
- ISS Solar transit today
- ISS Solar Transit video (June 16 2003 )
- JUN19-20.OBS
- JUN25-26.OBS
- June 15'03 Sat NOAA6 and a unid..
- Launch site requirements
- Lunar and Solar Transit page
- Lunar transit accuracy check
- mars express
- Mars Express TLE?
- MER-B and Delta Second stage predictions
- MER-B launch now 3-July (UT)
- MER-B predictions for San Antonio, Texas
- MER-B Scrubbed
- milstar 6 again seen in binoculars
- milstar 6 observation
- Molniya 3-37 decayed
- Molniya launch June 19
- NAVSPASUR gallery
- NE Iowa ISS lunar transit 6/09/03 UT
- neighbor sees his 1st flare
- new ISS images
- new satellite in orbit
- new satellite launched
- new satellites in orbit
- Next Shuttle Launches to Be Daylight-Only
- Object 27818 question
- obs
- Obs 03 June 2003
- Obs 09 June 2003
- Obs 18 June 2003 Part 1
- Obs 18 June 2003 Part 2/2
- Obs 24 June 2003 Part 1
- Obs 24 June 2003 Part 2 of 2
- Obs Jun 13
- Obs Jun 14
- Obs Jun 20
- Obs Jun 26
- Obs Jun 5
- Obs Jun 8
- OIG Availability
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 14
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 21
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 28
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending June 7
- Program to Aid in Reducing Observations - Beta testers needed
- progress is away
- Progress obs
- question - brightness of 20638 (ROSAT) + introducing myself
- Re.: Molniya3-37 decay forecast
- Satellite photos (possibly off-topic)
- satellite transits the sun ? + introduction
- SatEvo decay list #135
- SATOBS 2003 June 02
- SATOBS 2003 June 05
- SATOBS 2003 June 11-13
- SATOBS 2003 June 17
- SATOBS 2003 June 19
- SATOBS 2003 June 20/21
- SATOBS 2003 June 23/24
- SATOBS 2003 June 24/25 +CCD
- SATOBS 2003 June 27/28
- Sirius 1 and other obs.
- Small jumps in inclination
- solar transit of a different kind
- Solar transit on 27 May?
- superbird A
- Superbird A 24-25 June 2003 UTC
- Superbird A 26 June 2003 UTC
- the mag the Sony 4 lux camera is capable of seeing
- This is a job for SeeSat (Decayed Satellite)
- This is a job for SeeSat! (decayed satellite)
- TiPS not seen
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 02 UTC
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 03 UTC
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 06 UTC - USA 129 manoeuvred
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 10 UTC and USA 129 elements
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 15 UTC
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 16 UTC
- TJM obs of 2003 Jun 24 UTC
- Today's ISS Solar Transit (June 24 2003 )
- trimethylaluminum clouds to appear
- twilight shot of a -7 iridium flare
- Two Launches Today
- UNid - ccd pixel defect
- UNID 6/17 3rd update
- UNID observed
- Unid sat recovered tonite 6/16/03
- unid slow flasher 6/8/03 in Corvus
- unid?
- UNK030226
- UNK030405
- Unusual NOSS 4(E) pass, +2 mag
- Updated USA 129 and IGS 1B elements
- USA 129 post-manoeuvre elements
- USA 129 post-manoeuvre search elements
- videoobs June 12-13
- Wallops Island Launch
- Wallops Island Launch - Part 2
- what will be the best observing device ?
Last message date: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 16:04:21 EDT
Archived on: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 16:04:37 EDT
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: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 16:04:37 EDT