SatEvo decay list #72

Alan Pickup (
Sun, 7 Mar 1999 20:07:14 +0000

SatEvo decay list #72  (issued 1999 March 7)

This list of my satellite decay (re-entry) predictions and analyses 
is posted to the satellite observers mailing list, SeeSat-L,
and to the Usenet newsgroup sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe.
Information about SeeSat-L is available at

The "Actual?" decay dates are my estimates based on the published 
orbital element sets ("elsets") over the object's final days. 
Objects are included in the "Predicted" column if I anticipate 
their decay by 1999 April 30, although some larger and/or more 
interesting decayers are included beyond that date.

This and other recent decay lists are available on the WWW via 
my SatEvo page at
Linked from this page are files containing recent elsets for all
the Iridium satellites, all the objects in this decay list, plus
elsets for other selected objects including Mir, ISS, the Shuttle, 
and all newly launched and/or catalogued objects.

   #    Designation    Name              ----- Decay (1999) -----
                                            Predicted   Actual?

 19145   87- 20 BE  Cosmos 1823 deb                February 20
 25633   99-  7 B   Soyuz TM-29 Soyuz r            February 21.76
 23973   94- 29 T   STEP-2 Pegasus deb             February 23
 22440   92- 93 EH  C 2227 Zenit deb               February 24
 16683   86- 31 A   Molniya 3-28                   February 24.99
 24224   94- 29 KX  STEP-2 Pegasus deb             February 25
 14356   81- 53 HS  Cosmos 1275 deb                February 28
 15551   69- 82 KQ  OPS 1807 T-Agena deb           February 28
 25644   99- 10 C   Raduga 104 Proton platform     February 28.87
 23993   94- 29 AP  STEP-2 Pegasus deb                March  2  Note 2
 25643   99- 10 B   Raduga 104 Proton r               March  2.51
 24270   94- 29 MV  STEP-2 Pegasus deb                March  4  Note 2
 24369   94- 29 PW  STEP-2 Pegasus deb                March  4? Notes 1,2
 25197   87- 68 Y   Meteor 2-16 deb                   March  4  Note 2
 25186   87- 68 M   Meteor 2-16 deb                   March  5? Notes 1,2
 24430   94- 29 SJ  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March  8
 23863   96- 29 G   NOSS 2-3 r               March 10  Note 3
 25213   87- 68 AQ  Meteor 2-16 deb          March 10? Note 1
   175   61- 15 AZ  Transit 4a r deb         March 13
 25472   98- 51 F   Iridium 82 Delta r       March 15
 24325   96- 49 F   FAST Pegasus deb         March 17
 25166   98-  8 E   Globalstar 1 Delta r     March 20
 25452   87- 68 BZ  Meteor 2-16 deb          March 20
 15440   84-123 B   NOAA 9 deb               March 21
 25426   94- 29 ADS STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March 23
 24693   94- 29 ABB STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March 24? Note 1
 25562   98- 71 C   SWAS Pegasus deb         March 24
 25607   99-  1 C   MPL Delta 2 r1           March 28
 25565   98- 69 E   STS-88 socket            March 30
 25125   97- 85 C   Earlybird 1 Start 1 deb  April  4
  8940   75-  4 W   Landsat 2 Delta 1 deb    April  6
 22428   92- 93 DV  C 2227 Zenit deb         April  6
 25185   87- 68 L   Meteor 2-16 deb          April 11
 25207   87- 68 AJ  Meteor 2-16 deb          April 11
 17551   86- 19 JF  Spot 1 Ariane deb        April 12
 25580   98- 74 D   Iridm 11A Smart Disp     April 12
 24141   94- 29 GQ  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       April 13
 18154   87- 53 D   DMSP F8 deb              April 16
 20047   78- 26 HT  Landsat 3 Delta deb      April 18
  7418   74- 66 B   Cosmos 673 r             April 21
 25564   98- 69 D   STS-88 wire carrier      April 21
 23980   94- 29 AA  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       April 22
 24075   94- 29 DW  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       April 23
 14329   83- 94 B   Satcom 2R Delta r        April 28
 24180   94- 29 JF  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       April 28
 22583   93- 17 C   GPS 2-19 r1                May  4
   388   62- 39 D   FTV 3502 Scout r           May  7
 12519   81- 54 E   Molniya 3-16 r2            May  7
  8755   76- 24 B   Cosmos 808 r               May 13
 25347   98- 32 F   Iridium 70 Delta r         May 15
 20352   89- 96 A   Granat                    June  3
  4120   69- 84 B   Meteor 1-2 r              June
 23186   94- 43 B   APStar 1 CZ-3 r           June
 25625   99-  4 E   Glblstar M36 Soyuz r1   August


1. No recent elsets.

2. SpaceCom has yet to confirm this decay.

3. Elsets for #23863 = 96- 29 G (NOSS 2-3 Titan 4 r) were declassified on
March 2. Previous lists identified this as #23907 = 96- 29 B by which it
had been known within the amateur tracking community.

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707:   55d53m48.7s N   3d11m51.2s W   156m asl
 Edinburgh   | Home:    +44 (0)131 477 9144
 Scotland    | SatEvo page: