NOSS 2-3 R/B for Calif

Matson, Robert (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 17:04:50 -0800

Hi All,

Based on Alan Pickup's latest SATEVO elsets for NOSS 2-3 R/B,
there's a small chance the reentry may occur off the coast of
California on Thursday morning, March 11th around 10:49am PST.
Alan's reentry prediction is for 2:36pm PST +/- 6 hours, so this
is within the reentry window.

The pass is not very good -- its quite low in the west-southwest.
However, the nice thing is that you have the moon as a
reference point!  The trajectory goes right under the moon at
around 10:49:20am as seen from San Francisco.  Use the
following SATEVO elset to get the trajectory for your location:

NOSS 2-3 r       9.8  3.0  0.0  4.8 v            144 x 139 km
1 23863U 96029G   99070.76054220  .16220884  27162+0  21250-3 0 90529
2 23863  63.3956 164.4462 0003630 342.7323  17.2554 16.49312598 74754