Hi Paul, Ed, Jake: Yes, I agree the most likely candidate is a weather balloon.( I still waiting a confirmation from Weather men here.) Memory failing or what ...this reminded me of my 1978 observation of a ' flasher' in a junk 60mm refractor. At x60 what i saw is a spinning triangular shinning metal. I was puzzled then. I placed a call to Wellington ( NZ) Carter Observatory, the scientific officer calmely told me what I saw is a just released Meterelogical Balloon with a radar sounding metal plate. What I saw recently had do look like a pear-shape as Jake mentioned... yes it was quite a sight... By the way, I thought satellite watching is a recent ( last 10 years or so) hobby. I got a surprise when I found reference to Satellite Observation in my 17th edition of Norton's Star Atlas which I acquired in 1979!. . rgds ykChia (See-Sat-Ler in Singapore) JRBURCA@aol.com wrote: > This might have been a weather balloon or some other type of balloon. Being > in the western sky with the sun low in the east, there could have been a nice > reflection against the blue sky. "x3 times Mars" hints in the direction of it > being a balloon. If there was not much wind at its altitude, any motion might > not have been apparent in that short of a time with no reference points in the > sky. > > Certainly no satellite is that bright, for that length of time. If there is > one, I'd sure like to know about it and see it for myself ! Daylight Iridium > flares seen with the unaided eye are visible for only 1 or 2 seconds. > > Many years ago I saw a weather balloon in the western sky but it was backlit > by the just set sun in early evening. It caught a lot of people's attention > (Houston, TX 1969 or 1970) and made the local news. It moved very slowly. > After I had looked at it with binoculars, it was easy to see that it was a > balloon, with the pear-like shape. It was quite a sight though. > > -- Jake Rees > Burbank, California