9602903267599031100464764 010 12184259 +26134 3 5 8305603267599031101300637 010 12022253 +68409 15 5 8305603267599031101302395 020 1201439 +70508 2 5 8305603267599031101315902 050 12211630 +68157 2 5 9202301267599031101395631 010 12195009 +27027 2 5 8601404267599031101494510 010 12040376 +59044 2 5 8601405267599031101500094 010 12040387 +59052 2 5 8601408267599031101505419 010 12025080 +68479 15 5 8601404267599031101515869 010 12232845 +71068 1 5 8601405267599031101521435 010 12232845 +71068 1 5 8601408267599031101530162 010 12213720 +66043 1 5 7711201267599031101540060 010 1202005 +76381 2 5 7711201267599031101544385 010 12222728 +78394 15 5 7711201267599031101555267 010 12192300 +65381 2 5 8401204267599031102265476 010 1222257 +78464 2 5 8401206267599031102270737 010 1221384 +75143 15 5 8401203267599031102283098 010 1222293 +77350 1 5 8601401267599031102295511 010 12214307 +72192 1 5 8601401267599031102304062 010 12203320 +63470 1 5 9602904267599031102341459 010 1218398 +62406 3 5 9602905267599031102342122 010 1218402 +62421 3 5 9602903267599031102350506 010 12195363 +57362 3 5 7905001267599031102502708 010 12191942 +26517 2 5 7905001267599031102505022 010 12185640 +23012 15 5 7905001267599031102520475 010 12175210 +08495 1 5 7003402267599031103162936 010 1218445 +60168 3 5 7003402267599031103165449 010 12195504 +59286 1 5 890410126759903110326075 02 1211466 -0144 3 5 +4 INV11.56F . -- The Information contained in this E-Mail and any subsequent correspondence is private and is intended solely for the intended recipient(s). For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on such information is prohibited and may be unlawful."