Re: >> weather balloon -Daylight Bright Object

Bart De Pontieu (
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:48:28 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Robert Reeves wrote:

> Just goes to show we are bunch of aging old foscils.
> There are noticably fewer young satellite observers than there
> are old guys like us.  I wonder if we as a group are a historical
> anomaly?
We've never done a poll of SeeSat-L-ers, but I doubt visual satellite
observing "is done mostly by old fossils". I think the Internet has
revived the hobby to a large extent, with many young observers joining in
the past few years. There are over 600 subscribers to SeeSat-L/D, I doubt
more than 50 were active in the 60s. Over half of the attendants at the
Eurosom meetings are younger than, say, 35 -- hardly what you would call
fossils :-)

A not-so-old-fossil,
      Bart at