Satellite Catalog Action Report From: 2003/03/01 Through: 2003/03/08 The following objects have been reported as cataloged: Internatnl Designator CatNo Common Name Source LaunchDate ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- 1992-072M 27685 ARIANE 42P+ DEB ESA 1992/10/28 1993-054D 27686 PAM-D DEB US 1993/08/30 1999-057MT 27687 CZ-4 DEB PRC 1999/10/14 1999-057MU 27688 CZ-4 DEB PRC 1999/10/14 2001-056H 27689 SL-16 DEB CIS 2001/12/10 2001-056J 27690 SL-16 DEB CIS 2001/12/10 The following objects have been reported as decayed: Internatnl Designator CatNo Common Name Source LaunchDate DecayDate ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- 1999-057BU 26182 CZ-4 DEB PRC 1999/10/14 2003/02/28 1970-089DF 19817 COSMOS 374 DEB CIS 1970/10/23 2003/03/03 1997-031B 24847 ARIANE 44P R/B ESA 1997/06/25 2003/03/03 The following objects have been reported as modified: No modified cataloging activity reported. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to List archived at
This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sat Mar 08 2003 - 12:50:26 EST