Optical 27 Feb 2011-Part 2

From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Tue Mar 01 2011 - 12:45:10 UTC

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Satobs March 01, 2011 at 8597"

    Observations 27 Feb 2011
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    Camera mount now carries two systems that can be operated
    together as two totally different sytems and computers used.
    Generally the DSI Pro II camera will be used for high altitude
    slow moving objects. Tests seem to indicate that its sensitivity
    is comparable to the MINTRON ( possibly better) but as its not
    possible (?) to time stamp to better than 1 second accuracy the
    time resolution is not good enough for LEO objects.
    MINTRON low light level CCD surveillance camera (0.005
    lux typical in non integration mode) and 0.00005 lux in STARLIGHT
    mode with 128 frame integration.)
    Used with 135mm focal length f/2.5 lens,integrating for 128 fields
    which is equivalent to a max exposure of 2.56 seconds maximum
    per image, but dependent on sky brightness. Field of view
    2.4 x 1.8 degrees.
    Individual frames are video time stamped with GPS derived signal.
    Images processed and measured manually.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg,
    Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa
    24680 96 072A   0433 F 20110227184407300 56 15 1259274-301930 39  +070 05
    27434 02 025A   0433 F 20110227190252400 56 15 0545284+225925 39  +067 05
    27434 02 025A   0433 F 20110227190255400 56 15 0540244+231400 39  +067 05
    24680 96 072A   0433 F 20110227201843700 56 15 2010205-725404 39  +045 05
    24680 96 072A   0433 F 20110227201902700 56 15 2031348-751535 39  +045 05
    24680 96 072A   0433 F 20110227201924300 56 15 2110105-775805 39  +040 05
    24680 96 072A   0433 F 20110227201959400 56 15 2323549-811713 39  +035 05
    24680 96 072A   0433 F 20110227202037700 56 15 0255382-782732 39  +045 05
    99990 99 999A   0433 F 20110227182055400 56 15 1000361+082958 39  +030 05
    99990 99 999A   0433 F 20110227182102600 56 15 1004332+083831 39  +030 05
    99990 99 999A   0433 F 20110227182110900 56 15 1009082+084733 39  +030 05
    99991 99 999A   0433 F 20110227200751300 56 15 1841497-753731 39  +080 05
    99991 99 999A   0433 F 20110227200755300 56 15 1837307-751601 39  +080 05
    99991 99 999A   0433 F 20110227200749700 56 15 1844030-754847 39  +080 05
    DELTA 1 R/B(2) variable
    07794 75 038D   0433 F 20110227180637000 56 15 0744448+084031 39  +070 05
    SCOUT X-4 R/B  variable
    00907 64 064B   0433 F 20110227192826000 56 15 1452324-542211 39  +085 05
    CZ-4 DEB variable irregular variation
    20853 90 081R   0433 F 20110227193315300 56 15 1527087-593730 39  +060 05
    CZ-4 DEB variable
    20849 90 081M   0433 F 20110227195523600 56 15 1701500-705550 39  +085 05
    COSMOS 1877
    18336 87 074C   0433 F 20110227184854500 56 15 0730132+161412 39  +075 05
    BREEZE-M R/B range 25500 km, variable
    37219 10 061B   0433 F 20110227184911600 56 15 0723134+164641 39  +075 05
    TIROS 5 steady
    00309 62 025A   0433 F 20110227185708600 56 15 0738335+155339 39  +079 05
    COSMOS 2344  steady
    24827 97 028A   0433 F 20110227201636000 56 15 2026321-733133 39  +040 05
    (1) USA 129 got it first pass just as it cleared local obstruction and
        already inside shadow. Second pass much easier.
    (2) OFEQ 5 more than a minute late on week-end elements - does this
        indicate an orbit change ?
    (3) Two unknowns seen.
        First unknown bright and steady. If circular orbit then approx
        elements are i = 29.7deg, height 804 kms, RA Asc.Node 167.5 deg,
        period 100.9 mins, standard magnitude 2.9. No obvious match
        Second one was mistaken for NANOSAIL which was due a few seconds
        later. However track angle incorrect. No match found in elset
    (4) OFEQ 9 seen but at low elevation - was too faint to record on the
        video but should be able to get in again within the next few days as
        it starts evening visibility .
    (5) FASTSAT,FAST-1,RAX,NANOSAIL etc group have started evening visibility
        so will be prime objects as far as LEO sats go. At the moment exiting
        shadow too low down in the southern sky where I have bright freeway
    (6) Cape Town currently experiencing a heat wave for the next few days with
        temperatures as high as 37 deg C predicted - PLEASE somebody send some
        snow!!! All the weeds in my "garden" are dying from the heat.
    Seesat-l mailing list

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