wow = flare from Echostar 4 at the wrong time !

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Tue Mar 01 2011 - 14:53:53 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Bright peice of SL-24 debris"

    Playing back the video capture last night, I noticed a bright slow moving star, at the edge of the feild of view.
    When I ran a check, it was Echostar 4 ( 25331 ) !
    It's still being used, so the flare wasn't caused by a slow rotational rate, ie seeing the same effect from a no longer used geo sat, that slowly rotates.
    It was easily mag 6 are brighter, at around 9:24 utc ( Mar 1 )
    It was outside the feild of view, and slowky entered it, and got fainter.
    This is way past the area, where I would see a flare caused by the solar panel. So another surface on it, sent a alot of sunlight my way :)
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