Obs for Mar. 01

From: Bill Arnold (barnold86@cableone.net)
Date: Wed Mar 02 2011 - 17:42:51 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "ISS orbit boost on March 3"

    Really good night of watching.
    33412 08 054A   0000 E 20110301003550000 56
    28738 05 024B   0000 E 20110301003630000 56 Naked-eye pass.
    28222 04 012C   0000 E 20110301003800000 56
    17528 87 018B   0000 E 20110301003840000 56
    13923 83 022A   0000 E 20110301004020000 56
    36794 10 034C   0000 E 20110301004950000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.
    02144 66 031B   0000 E 20110301005740000 56 Naked-eye pass.
    37259 10 069B   0000 E 20110302011520000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.
    24773 97 017B   0000 E 20110302011650000 56
    37361 10 062L   0000 E 20110302011930000 56 Faint pass, not flare seen.
    12585 81 065A   0000 E 20110302011950000 56
    25724 99 023A   0000 E 20110302012000000 56
    18822 88 006A   0000 E 20110302012050000 56
    37228 10 062G   0000 E 20110302012330000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.
    23788 96 009B   0000 E 20110302012510000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.
    28909 05 048B   0000 E 20110302012600000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.
    37182 10 051D   0000 E 20110302012640000 56
    09610 76 122A   0000 E 20110302012820000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.  Naked-eye pass.
    17066 86 086A   0000 E 20110302013010000 56 This is my 11,000th confirmed observation.
    11672 80 005B   0000 E 20110302013130000 56
    23790 96 009D   0000 E 20110302013300000 56 1st sighting of this satellite.
    27819 03 023B   0000 E 20110302013420000 56     
    Woolmarket, Mississippi (USA)
    10X50 Binoculars
    lat. 30:29:07.3 N, long. -89:00:09.7 W, elev. 15 m                  
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