Off topic = apple Ipad 2 is useless to me for my sat observing

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Fri Mar 04 2011 - 16:23:50 UTC

  • Next message: Djlaszlo: "Re: Off topic = apple Ipad 2 is useless to me for my sat observing"

    I was looking at the info, on the apple Ipad 2 that's coming out.
    Let's see, unless I am mistaken, there's no usb port like I have on my desktop = can't use a usb to serial adaptor, to connect my scope to it.
    So the nexremote software, which could run on it from what I see, has no way to connect to the mount and control it, just like the satellite tracker software
    So no thanks, I stick to my pc. 
    Seesat-l mailing list

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