Obs for Mar. 06

From: Bill Arnold (barnold86@cableone.net)
Date: Mon Mar 07 2011 - 12:27:18 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Peice of space junk passing close to ISS, meantion in article"

    Out for a little while after work.
    28470 04 044A   0000 G 20110607011730000 56
    11309 79 026B   0000 G 20110607011930000 56
    00204 61 031C   0000 G 20110607012030000 56
    22639 93 026B   0000 G 20110607012140000 56
    27001 01 056A   0000 G 20110607012340000 56
    33409 08 053B   0000 G 20110607012410000 56
    33411 08 053D   0000 G 20110607012430000 56
    20465 90 010A   0000 G 20110607013150000 56 Naked-eye pass.
    25359 98 035B   0000 G 20110607013300000 56
    25724 99 023A   0000 G 20110607013430000 56
    20306 89 086B   0000 G 20110607013510000 56
    09443 76 098A   0000 G 20110607013510000 56
    21088 91 006B   0000 G 20110607013720000 56
    18820 88 005A   0000 G 20110607014110000 56
    28057 03 049A   0000 G 20110607014150000 56
    37180 10 051B   0000 G 20110607014250000 56
    Woolmarket, Mississippi (USA)
    10X50 Binoculars
    lat. 30:29:07.3 N, long. -89:00:09.7 W, elev. 15 m.
    -------------- next part --------------
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