Spectacular Shuttle/ISS pass!

From: Skywayinc@aol.com
Date: Tue Mar 08 2011 - 00:28:25 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Another nice view of Gorizont 26"

    Spectacular pass just observed outside the studios of News 12  Westchester
    in Yonkers, NY.
    Shuttle Discovery actually started out much brighter  than the ISS when 
    they were
    low in the NW . . . because of the change in  perspective, Discovery 
    initially appeared about 6-degrees ahead of the  ISS.  
    A couple of minutes later when they were high in the northern  sky, they
    were separated by 12-degrees and the ISS had increased to around -3  to -4
    magnitude; Discovery  was around -1 to -2.
    Then watched as  they faded into the Earth's shadow. 
    Great show!
    -- joe r.   
    Seesat-l mailing list

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